Small town restaurants...

I'm on a mission to point out the good, the bad and the downright yucky of small town Alberta restaurants.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Alberta Oil Rigs - A meal in the life of a rigger!

So... I haven't posted a restaurant blog in awhile.  The truth is, I've put myself on a tight budget and restaurant food doesn't exactly fit within that budget (thanks, Dave Ramsey!).

Warning: this blog contains info about opposing beliefs!
I'm an environmentalist. I volunteer for the Green Party, run an Environment Club at the local elementary school, and I reduce, reuse, recycle and repair.  My husband works on the drilling rigs north of Fort McMurray in Alberta. When Alberta can offer my husand work (that pays $25/hr plus overtime) building solar panels, I'll do my best to convince him to change careers - until then, we have to pay the bills!

Blaine (my husband) has gone back to work on the drilling rigs.  Recently he sent me some pictures of the food on his camp north of Fort McMurray.

This meal consisted of pork, applesauce from a can, reheated and unspiced frozen beans and baby potatoes.  Blaine was excited because he was used to chicken fingers and hot dogs.  I'd like to dispell a little myth... Rig Food is not delicious!  Blaine has been on plenty of drilling rig camps and always complains about the food.  Usually the biggest complaint is the lack of variety.  When you're being served chicken fingers 5 or 6 nights a week for 6 weeks... well, that just sounds yucky!

And here we have a chocolate eclaire donut.  Yummy!  :)

ambiance - hmmm... A bunch of riggers sitting in a trailer?  My rating: Poor!
value - "He works hard for his money, so you'd better treat him right!" (isn't that a song of some sort?)
flavour - repetitive and bland!