Small town restaurants...

I'm on a mission to point out the good, the bad and the downright yucky of small town Alberta restaurants.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Country Cappuccino, Sundre

The coffee shop war is on! 

Who has the best coffee shop in small-town south-central Alberta?!?  Cowboy & Co. has an excellent, fun and cozy atmosphere... but Little Country Cappuccino has got to have the best ice cream, smoothies and sandwiches!

One of my favourite things about Little Country Cappuccino is that the owner, Allison, will take my order and payment for a coffee and sandwich in the morning (on my way to work) and have my sandwich ready for me to pick up at noon (so it's not soggy)!  I feel like a princess - I walk in, past all of the teenagers waiting in line during their lunch break, grab my sandwich and scram!

The story of this little coffee shop is unique...

... it started as a little shop on their property, 17 miles northeast of Sundre.  Now they're open seven days a week and even do catering for the Sundre Arts Center productions!

One of the reasons I like Little Country Cappuccino more than The Koffee Binge is because Little Country has Splenda sweetener and The Koffee Binge has that nasty Sweet N' Low stuff that has an aftertaste!

So, I suppose I should say something somewhat negative about this place, otherwise you might think that Allison is paying me (in lattés, of course).  I like the idea that they have about having a library and kids' play area downstairs... but it seems like a bit of a dungeon down there! A new coat of paint would really freshen it up!

ambiance - homey, warm, friendly/ downstairs could use an update
value - good
flavour - excellent!


  1. We love going into Little Country Cappuccino. The staff is so friendly, the food fantastic and the coffee beats out any other place in town hands down! Its especially nice to go there when the weather is nice and enjoy our lattes on the private outdoor patio! They also have the best cinnamon buns I have ever tasted, sorry Gramma but they do!

  2. Someone once told me Little Country Cap could make an iced drink that rivaled Timmy's - I had to take the challenge and boy! what a revelation. LOVED IT!! Once of my most favorite places to go for sure.

  3. I'm gonna have to try one! Also, ask Allison or Karla to make you a iced lemonade!! They can make them with sugar or sugar-free and they're scrumptious!

  4. I don't think it is done with community support when you are insulting the other coffee shop in your "food-critic/princess" fun blog. I think in your blogs maybe stick to comments as to what you like or dislike about that specific location.
    As a long time community member I would love for you to NOT divide our community. One of the things we are proud of is our unity , that we can co-exist and that the community will support all businesses. thank you.

    btw, Little country has amazing cinn. buns
